Saturday, February 22

Stop throwing banana peels in the trash: here are 8 smart tips to reuse them

8 smart tips to reuse banana peels :

In the collective imagination, the banana peel has only one goal: to end up in a dumpster. While we gladly eat its tender, sweet flesh, the majority of us throw away its peels, forgetting that they are rich in vitamins, nutrients, and trace elements that are extremely useful on a daily basis. Indeed, this part of the fruit that we leave carelessly lying around in our kitchens has many virtues for beauty, health, and much more! Before you get rid of it, here’s what you need to know.

While they seem to be of no use to our zygomatic, banana peels offer a plethora of other benefits. The rind of this fruit is a veritable mine of benefits that we can take advantage of for a variety of applications. Here are 8 grandma’s tips that will make you think twice before throwing them away.

Relieving itching:

There is nothing more uncomfortable than itching that persists. For this purpose, banana peel proves to be a formidable ally. With anti-inflammatory and moisturizing properties, it relieves irritation from insect bites or contact with irritating substances. All you need to do is rub the inside part of the area. However, make sure that the banana skin is ripe to avoid further irritation of the skin.

Remove stains on nails:

Smokers know very well that this bad habit tends to leave marks on fingernails and fingers. Yellow or brown in color, they are far from pleasing to the eye. Fortunately, banana peel can remedy this annoyance. According to a study, this would be able to fight against hyperpigmentation of the skin.
However, stopping smoking is strongly recommended if you want to get rid of this problem in the long term, without forgetting its impact on your health!

Prevent wrinkles:

Like its flesh, banana peel is rich in nutrients useful for improving skin tone and elasticity. The vitamin E it contains is known to act against wrinkles thanks to its moisturizing, protective, and repairing properties. In addition, the rind of the fruit also contains other antioxidants that are useful in fighting free radicals responsible for the premature aging of cells. To reap its benefits, all you need to do is place a few strips of banana peel on your face. Leave on for a few minutes, then rinse with clean water.

Whiten teeth:

This grandma’s trick will definitely please you. And for good reason, it has the advantage of being accessible and very economical thanks to the whitening and antibacterial properties of the peels of this banana fruit. For a Hollywood-worthy smile, all you need to do is rub your teeth with the inside of a banana peel for a few minutes. This habit must be regular if you want to see good results, not to mention your usual brushing to maintain good dental hygiene.

Restore shine to silverware:

To find silverware that shines and does you honor when entertaining guests, it couldn’t be easier: soak a banana peel in a container filled with water and then use this liquid to clean your silverware. You will see that by rubbing, it will no longer have that dull appearance and will regain its shine from the first days!

Make your own fertilizer:

Thanks to the nutrients it contains, banana peel turns out to be an excellent fertilizer. Prepare your own fertilizer by steeping it in a large bowl filled with water. Once you have filtered your mixture, add 5 volumes of water to it, and then water your plants!

Wax leather shoes:

Stop throwing banana peels in the trash: here are 8 smart tips to reuse them

Maintaining your leather shoes naturally and making them shine will be a piece of cake. To do this, rub them with the inside of a banana peel. Then run a soft cloth over the surface of your shoes and they will be like new!

Tenderize the meat:

Sometimes we end up with meat that is too hard or too dry. Fortunately, there are plenty of tips to overcome this annoyance, and one of them is to place a banana peel in your baking dish! The same principle applies if you opt for pan cooking. The only condition: your meat must be boneless and skinless.

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