Thursday, February 20

Grandma’s Tips

Grandma’s tips for hair and skin!

She’s always been a pro at taking care of her hair and skin, and now she wants to share her secrets with you.

Grandma always had good skin and hair. Now she wants to share some of her secrets.


15 secret tips for gorgeous eyelashes

15 secret tips for gorgeous eyelashes

Beauty Tips, Grandma's Tips
15 secret tips for gorgeous eyelashes: It is no secret that the success of female seduction lies in part in its long, thick lashes. If a woman wears mascara, it only takes a few brushstrokes to help her create a unique and desirable image. Fahsionistaplanet reveals 15 little-known tricks that will help you make your look irresistible. For stronger eyelashes : Apply olive or coconut oil to your lashes with a mascara brush 10 minutes before applying makeup. This will protect your eyelashes from the negative effects of the chemical elements in cosmetics.
How to get rid of blackheads on the nose permanently at home in 5 minutes

How to get rid of blackheads on the nose permanently at home in 5 minutes

Beauty Tips, Grandma's Tips, Skincare
How to get rid of Blackheads on the nose permanently at home :Many girls suffer from blackheads in the nose, which affects their beauty and appearance and spoils the form of makeup that they put on. They use masks and cosmetics to get rid of them but to no avail. But there is a natural, magical and effective way to get rid of blackheads in just five minutes, using medical Vaseline, it has many advantages for the skin, the most important of which is hydration. Here are some easy and simple steps to get rid of  blackheads on the nose at home:
A simple technique to repair a small hole in a piece of clothing

A simple technique to repair a small hole in a piece of clothing

Grandma's Tips, Style
A simple technique to repair a small hole in a piece of clothing : A lower quality fabric that didn't resist the first machine wash or a clumsy gesture and now your favorite t-shirt or sweater ends up with a nasty little hole. Even if it's not very big, that's all you can see and it's out of the question for you to put it back as if nothing had happened... neglected effect guaranteed! You wouldn't want to give up wearing this garment that you didn't have time to appreciate enough, so there's no question of making rags or a tawashi-type sponge out of it for the moment. Sometimes, it is possible to sew without being visible or to hide the misery with some tricks (patch, lace...), but if it is a tiny hole of 5 mm or less, you can certainly test this technique that will save your garment. ...
This Great homemade simple lemon foot bath will remove toxins from your body

This Great homemade simple lemon foot bath will remove toxins from your body

Grandma's Tips, Skincare
This Great homemade simple lemon foot bath will remove toxins from your body Great homemade simple lemon foot bath will remove toxins from your body: If you spend the day running around in order to accomplish a thousand and one tasks, you must certainly find yourself exhausted when you get home. Especially since tiredness has a huge impact on your health and needs to be limited by giving yourself rest. To help you relax, there's nothing like a foot bath to take care of your entire body. The worries and stress weighing on us also weigh on our feet. Indeed, in addition to supporting all our weight every second of the day, our feet also support all the weight of our problems. If you spend your day running between two dates, it should be felt considerably on your feet.   Un...
6 tips to lighten your bra and make them look new

6 tips to lighten your bra and make them look new

Grandma's Tips
6 tips to lighten your bra and make them look new 6 tips to lighten your bra and make them look new: Often considered the centerpiece of a woman's lingerie, the main function of the bra is to support the breast. For some, wearing this underwear is essential when leaving their homes. Symbol of femininity, seduction, or even comfort, the bra is a must-have when it comes to feminine underwear. But to maintain your lingerie and guarantee it unchanging color, shape, and quality, you still have to use the right cleaning products. In this sense, discover 6 natural tips to brighten a white bra and make it look like new. The mental representation of the bra has evolved for generations. Nowadays, some women have called for the “No bra”, a movement to put an end to this underwear conside...
This banana, lemon and honey mask is a natural botox that makes you look 10 years younger

This banana, lemon and honey mask is a natural botox that makes you look 10 years younger

Grandma's Tips, Skincare
This banana lemon and honey mask is a natural botox to look younger : Over the years, the mechanisms of dermal elasticity deteriorate as collagen production slows down. This phenomenon causes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles in areas such as the eye area, the corners of the lips, the neck, or the forehead. To fight against premature aging, there are natural recipes with formidable dermatological properties with a tightening effect to inhibit sagging skin. This banana mask is one of them. Find out how to easily perform this treatment at home for a firm and luminous skin. The signs of aging can quickly weaken our skin as the production of collagen, a substance essential for strengthening the elasticity of the skin, decreases. To combat the effects of this natural proce...
Stop throwing banana peels in the trash: here are 8 smart tips to reuse them

Stop throwing banana peels in the trash: here are 8 smart tips to reuse them

Grandma's Tips
8 smart tips to reuse banana peels : In the collective imagination, the banana peel has only one goal: to end up in a dumpster. While we gladly eat its tender, sweet flesh, the majority of us throw away its peels, forgetting that they are rich in vitamins, nutrients, and trace elements that are extremely useful on a daily basis. Indeed, this part of the fruit that we leave carelessly lying around in our kitchens has many virtues for beauty, health, and much more! Before you get rid of it, here's what you need to know. While they seem to be of no use to our zygomatic, banana peels offer a plethora of other benefits. The rind of this fruit is a veritable mine of benefits that we can take advantage of for a variety of applications. Here are 8 grandma's tips that will make you think twic...
Yes, Ginger and Salt to whiten teeth at home: here’s how to use them for teeth whitening

Yes, Ginger and Salt to whiten teeth at home: here’s how to use them for teeth whitening

Grandma's Tips
Best whitening teeth remedies How to use ginger and salt to whiten teeth at home: here's how to use them for teeth whitening: to get a bright smile, it is important to preserve the teeth' whiteness. Unfortunately, modern methods andwhiteness combinations can be aggressive to the tooth enamel as well as expensive. For this reason, there is nothing better than a natural recipe for white and healthy teeth. To do this, Dr. Derek J. praised. Zhang has two components: salt and ginger. Dental whiteness indicates not only aesthetic anxiety but also good oral health. However, it is rarely applied in the regular care center. To prevent the yellowing of the teeth from irreversibility, it is important to use a few ingredients that helpyou maintain their whiteness. This recipe is ...