Thursday, February 20

This Great homemade simple lemon foot bath will remove toxins from your body

This Great homemade simple lemon foot bath will remove toxins from your body

Great homemade simple lemon foot bath will remove toxins from your body:

If you spend the day running around in order to accomplish a thousand
and one tasks, you must certainly find yourself exhausted when you get home.
Especially since tiredness has a huge impact on your health and needs to be
limited by giving yourself rest. To help you relax, there’s nothing like a foot
bath to take care of your entire body.

The worries and stress weighing on us also weigh on our feet. Indeed, in
addition to supporting all our weight every second of the day, our feet also
support all the weight of our problems. If you spend your day running between
two dates, it should be felt considerably on your feet.


Unfortunately, the feet are often forgotten in beauty and health
routines. Indeed, when we think of taking care of our body, we usually think of 
taking care of our face, hair, or even our hands, but rarely our feet.

Neglecting these can lead to various problems such as fungal infections
that are difficult to treat or split heels. For this reason, it is essential to
give them special attention and take care of them in order to relieve them of
the stress and the weight they carry throughout the day.

The easiest way to do this is to prepare a good relaxing foot bath at
the end of the day. In addition to helping you relax, it will allow you to
detoxify your body.


The benefits of its ingredients:

Peppermint: Peppermint essential oil gives you a feeling of
freshness after your feet have spent the day suffocating in your shoes. In
addition, it is ideal for reducing their swelling as well as that of the legs.


Olive oil: Rich in fatty acids, olive oil deeply hydrates your
feet to fight against calluses, cracked heels, and the rough appearance combined
with the excessive wearing of shoes.

Lemon: Thanks to its antibacterial action, lemon neutralizes both bacteria and
bad odors, while fighting against sweaty feet.

Epsom salt: Rich in magnesium, Epsom salt detoxifies, purifies, and relaxes your body while releasing toxins. Thanks to its action that
operates through the skin, it activates blood circulation and relieves your
feet of the weight of the day for optimal relaxation of the whole body.

Green tea: Green tea is an excellent tonic for your skin and has
formidable antioxidant properties.

Footbath: well-deserved cocooning sessions

A good, lukewarm foot bath is really the best comfort you can give
yourself after a long day. Relaxing for your legs and feet, it allows you, when
you add the right ingredients, to relieve you of stress while keeping your feet

Essential for improving well-being, it is also effective in detoxifying
the body, especially when it contains Epsom salt. A formidable ingredient
thanks to its magnesium content which prevents the accumulation of toxins in
the body.

In addition, foot baths are a form of reflexology, an ancient approach
to alternative medicine that consists of treating certain health problems by
stimulating reflex points. The latter being in contact with a large number of
nerves, allowing your mind to relax at the same time.


How to prepare the Great homemade simple lemon foot bath thet  will remove toxins from your body :

You will need:

7 to 10 drops of peppermint essential oil

Two tablespoons of organic olive oil

A tablespoon of Epsom salt

Juice of half a lemon

A cup of green tea

A basin of lukewarm water

Tips to follow:

1. Start by brewing the green tea first and allow it to cool until it is
at a temperature that is tolerable for your skin.

2. Heat enough water to put your feet in, then place lukewarm water in
the basin. Make sure the water is not too hot so you don’t burn your feet.

3. After the water has heated up and the tea has cooled, mix the rest of
the ingredients in the basin of water and place your feet in it for 15 minutes.

4. Rinse your feet with clean water and dry them thoroughly with a towel
(preferably microfiber).

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You can also exfoliate your feet with a pumice stone after your bath to
get rid of excess dead skin if you wish.

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